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Tishk International University
Tishk International University

Tishk International University

Tishik International University, whose name itself is a symbol of light and knowledge, is proudly ISO 9001:2015 certified, demonstrating its commitment to the highest quality standards in management and teaching. Membership in the Association of Arab Universities has opened a wide door for scientific cooperation and exchange in the region. With its accredited academic programs, many of which are accredited by international institutions, Tishik University has established a strong position in the field of higher education. The university’s noble goal of becoming the leading academic institution in the country and the region guides all its steps in the fields of education, research, development and public service. Thanks to the support of the well-known company, Tishik University has been able to light a bright future for thousands of students as a beacon of science. By combining academic tradition and innovation, this university continues to nurture a generation of experts and researchers who are ready to play a leading role in the development of society and the economy of the region. Thus, Tishik International University shines not only as a scientific center, but also as a symbol of progress and innovation in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and continues to illuminate the path of science and knowledge for current and future generations.

Tishk International University

Let’s build a better future together

About Tishk International University

Universities are the key to opening the door of knowledge and knowledge of the world. At the same time, Tishik International University is like a modern ship that takes its students to the boundless ocean of knowledge. This university is not just a place of learning, but also the beginning of a wonderful journey of self-discovery and the world. Here, every student becomes the captain of his life ship and learns how to find his way in the sea of ​​knowledge. Tishik International University is not just an educational center, but also an academy of life, where students learn not only science, but also the art of life. This university is like an intellectual garden, where different ideas grow and diverse flowers of thought bloom. In every corner of this university, the voices of society of all colors are heard and different opinions are welcomed. Thus, the radiation not only educates the minds, but also the hearts and souls of students. Since its establishment in 2008, Tishik International University has played an important role in society. It has consistently produced graduates with specialized knowledge and practical skills, which are increasingly rare in today's competitive environment. The university consists of 16 departments and 6 faculties, covering a variety of fields including engineering, medicine, social sciences and others. This makes it one of the most comprehensive universities in the region, including fields that are highly sought after in the community.

About Tishk International University